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Pascaline Lepeltier, Champagne Boërl & Kroff, Maximilian Riedel, and Wine Scholar Guild Signed on to Support a Truly Legendary Burgundy Tasting at Bonhams New York on May 6th, to Be Led by Jancis Robinson in Support of the Gérard Basset Foundation

The exact Burgundian producers and the specific wines to be served on  May 6th (as well as the ticket price) will be announced on March 29th, the same day that […]

The post Pascaline Lepeltier, Champagne Boërl & Kroff, Maximilian Riedel, and Wine Scholar Guild Signed on to Support a Truly Legendary Burgundy Tasting at Bonhams New York on May 6th, to Be Led by Jancis Robinson in Support of the Gérard Basset Foundation appeared first on Wine Industry Advisor.